‘Tis the Season to be Grateful
December 18, 2024
As the holiday season fills our hearts with gratitude, I am reminded of how thankful I am to serve our community in state government. Representing the 193rd Legislative District is both an honor and a responsibility I approach with humility. Throughout the year, I have worked hard to ensure your voices are heard in Harrisburg and your concerns are addressed.
This past legislative session brought its share of challenges, particularly as House Republicans found ourselves in the minority. Yet, despite the obstacles, I am proud of what we accomplished. We successfully pushed back against excessive spending proposed by the governor and House Democrats during the budget process. While the final budget was not perfect, it was far better than it might have been without our efforts.
We also tackled issues that matter most to you. The House Republican Policy Committee identified ways state government can address inflation and rising costs, resulting in important legislative proposals. Additionally, we worked to address the burden of increasing energy costs. As your representative, I remain committed to advocating for energy policies that strike a balance between affordability for consumers and responsible stewardship of our natural resources.
As we prepare for the 2025-26 Legislative Session, I look forward to continuing this important work. Although we will again serve in the minority, the experience gained over the past session has prepared us to navigate challenges and pursue meaningful progress. I am optimistic about what lies ahead in the new year.
This holiday season, I hope you, too, are filled with optimism for the future. From my family to yours, I wish you a joyful holiday season and a happy, prosperous new year.
Representative Torren Ecker
193rd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Greg Gross
RepEcker.com / Facebook.com/RepTorrenEcker
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